JAPANTOWN Trip (The Week of the Turkey)

We will be heading to SF Japantown this Friday, November 26, 2010!

Be at the Fremont BART Station BEFORE 9:30 AM, preferably 9:15 or earlier. The BART train LEAVES for San Francisco AT 9:30 AM, so be there on time or we’ll go without you!! (If you need a ride, find one ASAP– don’t wait until 8:00 AM Friday to call a friend and ask them to take you!!)

Bring a jacket or other cold-weather clothing (it’s supposed to be really cold with highest temp at 61 degrees, and it IS San Francisco, so), money (you’ll need it for: BART ticket, bus fare, lunch, possibly dinner, possibly anime merchandise. SO BRING PLENTY!! Remember, too much is better than not enough!!) (also, bring a bag with a zipper or something to carry it in–beware of pickpockets!), cell phone (this is important. we NEED a way to contact you in case you get lost somewhere!)

We MAY eat dinner in San Francisco (depending on how many people want to do so), so when your parents ask when you’ll be home, tell them “I don’t know” or “sometime in the evening” xDD Also, we might not stay in Japantown–several club members wanted to go to the Pier for clam chowder and such.
We need to be able to do a head count, so you must let us know if you are going.

See you guys Friday! 😀

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